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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Having ministered in southern Mexico more than 35 years, Gene and Isidra focus their efforts on serving the widows in the town where they live.
John serves at a children's home in Mexico where he has oversight of seven teenage boys. John’s passion is to teach them to be godly men.
Andrew and Sheryl share the Bible in story form using the biblical storytelling method to reach out to and teach many in Latin America.
Ed and Pam serve in Russia to a rarely targeted group: international university students. The focus is on discipleship for life.
David is a dynamic leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and is uniquely gifted in sharing God’s love through Christ.
Ron and Lisa are serving in Bolivia to minister to the Deaf. Ron has also taught virtually in closed countries.
Vicente and Janine direct a video ministry in Tokyo which focuses on Japanese Christian testimonies as a way to break down unbelief.
Chris and Vonda serve in WIM’s home office, Chris as president, and Vonda as receptionist. They daily exhibit servant leadership.
Gail's vision is to create local community leaders by instilling kingdom culture and discipleship within their homes.