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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Developers of WIM’s member care department, Tony and Mary Ann serve the spiritual/emotional needs of missionaries through a holistic approach.
Victoria serves in Honduras as a house-mom and a nurse at PTC. She provides these children with a safe and loving family, pointing them to Jesus.
John serves Nation-2-Nation through his skills as a producer.
Madeline is preparing to serve in Oaxaca, Mexico, where she will help start a children's ministry for a new church.
Rosy serves as a house mom in Honduras caring for four girls. She desires to use her law degree to be an advocate for the children of her country.
Kelsey serves as a house mom in Honduras, caring for five abandoned children. Her heart is to give these kids a loving home and point them to Jesus.
Rigo and Jessica serve at Casa Hogar Benito Juarez challenging the under-privileged children of Oaxaca to be strong followers of Jesus.
Dan and Aylin serve as pastors in Bolivia where they oversee the local church and work in leadership development.
Jim and Lynn are founders of Creative Impact Ministries, producing missionary documentary films for global evangelical missionaries.